
1、1redound upon v 回报 egHis praises redound upon himself 他称赞人,人也称赞他2reward egThe Rewards of the Professions 职业的回报 3return a favor 回报 4respond to 回报,反应。 2、问题一“给予和回报”用英语怎么...

1、1redound upon v 回报 egHis praises redound upon himself 他称赞人,人也称赞他2reward egThe Rewards of the Professions 职业的回报 3return a favor 回报 4respond to 回报,反应。

2、问题一“给予和回报”用英语怎么说 dedication and repay 问题二付出总有回报,英语怎么说 One#39s eff丁rt will pay off你千万不要泄气,迟早你的付出会有回报的You mustn#39t lose heart,sooner or later。

3、pay back 报复 = pay off, pay out, serve outI#39ll certainly pay you back for what you did to me!quot你那样对待我,我一定要回敬你的!quot偿还偿付 How can I pay you back for all your kindness?你的这番。

4、回报父母用英语来说就是return parents return就是回报,返回的意思这是很简单的一个词组用来感谢父母的作文也很多 In Chinese culture, it is every child#39s duty to return their parents as they grow up The。

5、回报父母用英语说Give back to your parents相关双语例句1有一天,当长大了,要回报父母无私的爱One day,when we grow up,we should repay our parents for their unselfish love2比尔·默茨和杰基·默茨。

6、努力了不一定能够得到回报,但是不努力的话,就真的没有得到回报的可能性了下面是我给大家整理的得到回报英语短语,供大家参阅!得到回报英语短语篇1 1 Jenkins would reward all investors, no matter when they made。

7、索取与回报”用英语怎么翻译 Claims and returns “欢迎索取”用英语怎么说简明扼要欢迎索取 Wele to ask for 您好,用心细心为您答疑解惑如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳如果有其他问题请。

8、作为回报 词典 in return in reward 例句你定期支付保险费,而保险公司则会一次性给你一笔钱作为回报You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lumpsum。

9、回报的作为回报或回复的Middle English retornen 中古英语 retornen from Old French retourner 源自 古法语 retourner from Vulgar Latin *retorn#x00B3e 源自 俗拉丁语 *retorn#x00B3e Latin re re 拉丁语 re 表示“回复的”。

10、1,投资回报率 投资回报率的英文名为Return on Investment ,缩写为ROI 投资回报率ROI= 税前年利润投资总额*100%企业从一项投资性商业活 动的投资中得到的经济回报,是衡量一个企业盈利状况所使用的比率。

11、我相信有付出就有回报的英文I believe that if you give something, it will pay off近似短语1No effort, no return不作任何付出就有回报2It doesn#39t have to be paid back付出不一定就有回报3I。

12、go back to hometown 或return to hometown或come back to hometown 望采纳,谢谢。

13、No pains, no gains重点词汇解释 gain 英 ɡe#618n 美 ɡe#618nn 获得收益增益 v 获得到达增加获利钟表等走得快 He has no aspiration for fame or gain他不图名利用法。

14、After this ceremony, I think we study for the country rather than ourselves, and this is how we pay our country back。

15、默默地为别人付出,不求回报的英文Pay silently for others without asking for return return 读法 英 r#618#39t#604#720n 美 r#618#39t#605n1vt 返回报答 2vi 返回报答 3n。

16、诚实是有回报的英语作文一Almost all of us heard the story “ Here Comes the Wolf “ when we were little kids What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest However, there’re。