
  Meaning/Usage:The exact time  含义/用法:确切的时间  Explanation: A dot is seen as a very small target.It is like hitting the very center of a dart board or the bulls-eye.When ...

  Meaning/Usage:The exact time


  Explanation: A dot is seen as a very small target.It is like hitting the very center of a dart board or the bulls-eye.When it refers to time, it means exactly that time not a minute after or before.


  "I don't want to be waiting for you, so you'd better be there at three o'clockon the dot."


  "He's supposed to show up at fouron the dot.If he is late even a minute, I'm taking off."


  "You'd better be here by 1:30, because we're leaving at two o'clockon the dot."


  A:"We have to go to Los Angeles tomorrow.What time should we meet?"

  B:"We have to be at the airport at 4:00 o'clock, so let's meet at two o'clockon the dot."



  Other Common Sentences


  "Meet me at the bus station at six o'clock sharp."


  "Let's meet at the book store exactly at 1:00."
