
  看图写作  1 首段写作(漫画)  (1)描述图画  The picture, in which the elderly father is kicked as a football by their children here and there while the four siblings tightly hold thei...


  1 首段写作(漫画)


  The picture, in which the elderly father is kicked as a football by their children here and there while the four siblings tightly hold their gates, conveys us a implication that some children fail to support their parents as they grow old.

  2010 年文化火锅


  10 年文化火锅,The picture, in which (there is a huge hotpot containing a lot of stuff that represents the western and the eastern culture, such as Taoism, Einstein, Confucius, ballet), has a favorable implication that ( it is desirable to promote culture exchange between the oriental and the occidental world ).



  a 健康——(96 年健康,97 年吸烟) physical health/body health physical fitness

  mental health/ psychological health

  b 家庭和教育 (92 年沟通,03 年温室花朵,05 年养老足赛,) family education/parental education

  parental guidance

  take care of the aged/the elderly people

  support …

  the growth of a kid/child from his childhood to adulthood

  c 爱心(95 年希望工程,01 年爱心是一盏灯,06 年给希望工程一封信)

  positive energy/ concern 关心,关注 care 关心,照顾 care about sb 关心

  those in need 弱势群体

  the weak and infirm 老弱病残

  the disabled /handicapped /physical challenged person

  He is learning at his own pace.

  He is an under-achiever(后进生).

  hold/start charity(慈善,慈善机构,善心) sales


  We are to start charity sales next weekend to assist those kids who live in rural areas and drop out for financial/economic reason in going back to school.

  d 环境 (99 年保护野生动物;00 年保护海洋生物;09 年限制白色污染;11 年景区环境的污染问题)

  environmental organization , environmental conservation(保护,保存),conservation,protection

  curbs on the emission of waste gases ,

  plastic bags/ white pollution, scenery spots, do harm to landscapes(风景)

  wild life, wild animals, break the balance of eco-system

  e 人生观,价值观 (03 年温室花朵禁不起风雨;04 年又是新起点;07 年点球大战;08 年团结合作;12 年还有半瓶水,)


  starting point, start

  goal keeper ; guard; kicker

  teamwork; cooperation; co-production

  cooperate, co-work , join hand in hand to do

  optimism optimistic

  f 文化 (流行文化:93 年电视广告;06 年偶像崇拜;09 年网络的远与近。 文化交流: 02 年美国女孩穿中式服装;10 年文化火锅 hotpot)

  cultural exchange/communication

  the western/eastern world

  the occidental 西方的/oriental

  g 经济发展(2010 英语二手机用户,2011 国产汽车,2012 英语二员工满意度)

  the economic growth/progress

  3 第二段写作(过渡+分析)

  (1) 负向文章行文思路:


  (现实中大家热议 XX 话题。大家对此有不同的声音,但我…)In reality, the subject about +N/doing sth has long been a buzz in network community, the public as well as the media. Though a variety of voices can be heard,

  I totally oppose that+句子/ (2005 年——people turn a blind eye to their aging parents)

  I cannot agree more with you .

  I can not oppose more against +N/I totally agree that+ 句子/ (2001 爱心: love would brighten darkness/ love would cast light to the dark and brighten it. Where love would be, it will light up gloom)

  I highly recommend that we should discourage people from doing sth (97 吸烟—— discourage people, especially the youth, from smoking)

  I can not agree more with the point that/ ( people are easily addicted to smoking and we should discourage them from doing that.)


  (图片反映的现象在快速发展中国各地区屡见不鲜,因此,这值得所有人的关注)In fact, the phenomenon reflected/mirrored by the cartoon typically occurs in many parts/regions of China, which are developing with breakneck speed, therefore, so it merits special attention from all walks of life.


  (这种情况值得大家关注。我的意见是)This situation/problem deserves careful concern/close attention from all walks of life, especially our young generation. I want to give my voice to

  encourage sb to/ support that/ advocate that (2003 温室花朵——parents should not relax the discipline in their families/ think twice about how to raise their kids.)

  dote on sb 溺爱

  discourage sb from doing sth/ put an end to (2003 温室花朵——doting on their kids/giving too much love to their kids.

  )/ stop doting on their kids. /curb(限制) sth/ check(限制) sth


  1 原因分析(2-3 条原因)




  (问题是由法律不完善造成的) The current situation is often plagued by the absence(the lack of) of relative legislation(立法) and law enforcement

  plague n 瘟疫,疾病 v 困扰

  (当地政府没能填补 xx 方面的政策漏洞)The local authorities fail to close/fix loopholes in policies concerning (network community/ water pollution/dishonesty)

  close/fix loopholes(漏洞)

  ②媒体 mass media

  (媒体对民意影响力大,媒体功能紊乱导致问题产生)The media has a powerful influence/impact on public opinion and a great deal of social conduct (social conduct 社会行为)can be affected by the mass media. However, the dysfunction/malfunction of the media partially cause the problem that(问

  题) + .一句话

  (媒体对民意影响力大,不幸的是,她的功能紊乱部分地导致问题)The mass media has great influence on public opinion via radio, TV program, magazines as well as newspapers. Unfortunately, it neglects to take that duty and therefore, leads to the problem that+一句话

  ③学校 college/university/school

  business/medical/law school

  (大学不应只提供课程,还应提供训练去改善大学生的素质。)College, a community of undergraduates, are/is supposed to not only provide lectures and experiments to leverage their academic performance, but training as well as courses to improve their personalities.

  (大学各团体应该发出声音。但明显的,他们大多数时候都是沉默的大多数)Societies from college and Student Union should make their voices heard by the whole society. But evidently, they are silent/mute majority most of the time.

  the deaf mute

  majority 成年人

  minority 未成年人

  administrations/departments/authorities/institutions concerned: lack supervision; insufficient management


  (家长是孩子最好的老师。孩子如何面对世界取决于家长如何教育。当家长忘了告诉他们的孩子该 XX,

  问题会发生。)Parents are children’s best mentors. How children react to the world is largely determined(决心,确定,决定) by how parents parent and educate their kids in their childhood. When parents forget to let children understand that (句子), problems would, beyond a doubt, come up/pop up 忽然出现.

  pop-up 广告弹窗

  pop corn

  pop music

  Sb is determined to do

  Tom is determined to be a teacher.

  Sb has made up one’s mind to do

  I have made up my mind to get through/pass the exam.

  (家教会影响孩子的身心发展,并部分决定了孩子是否有个好的性格。如果家长经常在情感和身体上离开孩子,问题就出来了。)Parenting, would affect children’s mental development and physical growth,

  even partially determine whether he or she would have a good personality. When parents are often emotionally absent and even physically absent, problems would pop up.

  price n 价格 v 定价 pricing n 定价

  parent n 父母 v 教育 parenting n 家教

  function n 作用,功能 v 起效,发挥功能

  functioning n 起效,发挥功能

  question n 问题 v 质疑

  内因:意识(awareness、consciousness)、心态 mentality,品质性格(人性 personality) etiquette

  礼仪、道德(morality——a slash in morality may cause crash in society)、责任感(accountability)、

  (这种行为失当不仅是由于不知道造成的,而往往是心态不正确造成的)价值观 In most cases, this misbehavior/pressing problem/situation is not simply caused by ignorance but by a lack of awareness of / lack of a proper mentality/attitude that+ 句子

  (公共场合大声打手机是很失礼的)Talking loud over the phone in public places is a major breach of etiquette.

  a major breach of principles/rules/regulations

  (人类逃避责任时,问题就出现了)When individuals, as tiny part of society, skip/shrug off their responsibilities/fold their arms toward the problem/turn a blind eye to the situation, problems are bond to come up/ get pressing.


  05 养老——A report published this year by the China Research Centre on (aging) forecasts/ indicates that over forty present of seniors spend their last years living alone

  06 自信——A survey concerning +N conducted by/ carried out by the China Research Centre on (successful people、high achiever ) shows/indicates/demonstrates/ that self-confidence is the instrument(方法,途径) of their achievement/accomplishment/success.

  A is the instrument of B(N/doing)

  06 追星——Opinion poll(民意调查) was conducted by the China Research Center on (也可以不写 on sth ) to test (to how much degree, people would be affected by chasing idols and nearly 70 percent of respondents admitted that they wasted too much time and money chasing stars.

  waste time/money doing sth

  (自身例子)One of my experiences would fully convince you that I am right. +例子

  Facts speak louder than words. +例子/I had an experience just like the picture indicates.


  行文思路 1 :意义分析

  (健康——12 乐观)N+ would enhance your emotional and spiritual well-being. A recent survey carried out by the China Research Center on Emotion demonstrates that a person who is ( ) tends to be more psychologically healthy and has a longer life expectancy/life span.

  Keep chin up towards your future

  make you a great man

  (机会——13 选择)N+would bring you more opportunities which does not guarantee you achievement overnight but means when a door is closed, more doors are open to you. Especially in current tight job fair, a person who is ( ) tends to win more job interviews over his or her opponents.

  win sth over sb

  stand out from sb

  (提高个人素质——2004 新起点, Being ready for challenge all the time means strong self-discipline which would contribute to the improvement of one’s personality and etiquette which would get you closer to your goal.

  get sb closer to goal/dream

  (社交,人际) () would, beyond a doubt, get you more social(善于交际) and therefore deliver a great contribution to enhance your interpersonal skills, foster your leadership, and make you a magnetic person/

  strengthen personal charisma(领导魅力).


  help do sth

  help sb in doing sth

  (企业)() which would help build a friendly and healthy business environment that would spur enterprises on self-regulating and properly operating.

  (良性竞争) ( ) would encourage all enterprises to participate into a fair play which would benefit both industries and the consumers.

  which would lead to a win-win deal/result

  (全面建设小康社会) (As the relationship between China and the rest of the world remains steady and stable ), more vitality would be injected into the building of a well-off society in an all-round way.

  (社会发展平衡) To run a society of harmony, government are/is supposed to juggle equity and efficiency and ( ) would, without a doubt, help find balance between the two.

  juggling’s one’s life

  juggle v 同时兼顾

  the exchange of culture


  To exemplify what I mean , I would share one of my memorable experiences with you.

  Nothing can exemplify my viewpoint better than the situation I once was confronted with .

  2011-旅游之余 To exemplify my argument, I am going to examine(审视) a case (in which a neat

  and clear resort is favorable and popular by tourists. )


  (1998 年诚信)Data has always no emotion and is considered neutral/impartial which will never

  hide/shade the truth/reality. According to a recent poll on ( ), carried out by Sina.com,

  ( percent of respondents/participants/subjects )

  on average, six out of ten respondents would ( like to make friends with honesty person and

  do business with companies that carry good reputations. )

  A out of B

  03 溺爱——Figures never tell a lie. Data that is pulled out of research findings proved that

  most successful persons were not born in a rich family.


  (2012)I often remind myself of what mother once told me when I was in elementary school——(you are different from anyone else and you are supposed to take full use of your difference to write the story about your life. You are optimistic and go with optimism)

  (12 自信)Average people like comfortable . If you do not want to end up with ordinary people, you should make your own path

  (04 起点)Life is too short to be average, and you should prepare for challenge all the time


  As an old saying goes, (confidence ) is (powerful strength) and it takes a lifetime to figure it out.

  As the proverb goes, honesty is the best policy toward life.

  Protection is the best attitude toward nature.

  4 第三段写作。


  What should we do to release/fix the problem?

  Are there any recommendations to solve the problem?

  How to cure the pressing situation?

  What should we do at present?

  +The answer is that all hands are required to (solve the pressing problem/improve the situation.

  (1) 社会层面

  1 中央地方共同努力 The local officials should resort to the law to regulate ( environmental conservation ) . Besides, the central government is not supposed to hand a blank check to the local and should be partially involved in (curbing the local tainted environment).

  state government

  2 政府立法听民意 Our government should resort to the law to regulate ( the standard of product quality ) and shall listen to public opinions and demands when formulating laws, regulations and policies relating to (quality of product)

  food security/safety

  3 政府直面问题,听民意,平衡两者关系

  Our government should not sugarcoat(cover) the problem but listen to public opinions and demands when formulating laws, regulations and policies relating to (09-网络远近 the Internet) and

  try to juggle ( the use of network and the supervision on it/ control over it )

  try to balance between (the use of network and the control over it)

  juggle A and B

  unfavorable information

  balance between A and B

  4 学校提供相关教育 Our colleges are supposed to provide training and course for students to learn how to juggle (03 溺爱孩子 their physical development and psychological maturity/ 13 选择 their study at school and internship outside the campus/off campus) on campus

  5 学校组织 Student Union should start/kick off campaign, both inside and outside the campus(both on and off campus), to educate people that ( 06 追星--chasing idol during the youth should be properly handled by their parents. )

  6 媒体 Media can broadcast less commercials and more public service advertisements

  to call on parents to ( 03 溺爱 parent their children properly )

  to promote the awareness of (03 溺爱 right parenting )


  1 有问题找家长和辅导员 Our young generation should turn to our student supervisors and parents for recommendations about

  how to (balance between internship and academy for their future career.)

  how to promote their awareness of ( )

  how to strengthen their belief that ( )

  2 积极投入活动 We should take part into the campaign to promote the awareness of ( ) and fulfill our accountability as a member of our community.

  3 啥都做 No matter how much fund that our government would put into (the recovery of tainted region), we will never see (a clean sky or breath fresh air) if effort of the young generation were absent. Although not financially independent, our college students must be doing everything we can to fulfill our duty to take part into the improvement of our community.

  结尾:With efforts from all walks of life, it is certain that the situation would get improved soon.

  正向 (积极倡导): (1)社会层面


  ( Confidence ) is partially the driving force behind the evolution/growth of our society. And all hands are supposed to join together to ( foster people’s confidence ).

  (1) 社会层面

  1 媒体传递正能量 media

  The mass media should exert more positive energy, such as being confidence, to the public so that people would react more positively to difficulties and adversities.

  2 education

  Education, affects people’s attitude and reaction to the world. Thus, moral education should

  be enhanced and concentrated on juveniles and kids before they enter their adulthood. Specifically, self-discipline and code of social conduct should be written in books and carefully discussed in class.

  3 college

  College is where undergraduates obtain knowledge and skills to enhance their academic performance and where students get their personality and code of social conduct improved as well. Thus, moral course of moral education should be provided as elective curriculums to college students.

  curriculum 校内课程

  extra curriculum 课外活动

  electives n 选修课 elective curriculums



  1Reading books. We can devote some of our leisure to cultivating a love of reading books. You will find what you can not get in reality but in books, such as companion, answers to tough questions, etiquette as well as mental power etc.

  such as +N/doing

  for example,+句子

  2Exercising. Polls conducted online says, taking part into sports would improve your mentality, personality and strengthen your weak point. Your will find yourself more assertive and decisive after one year of group exercising.

  find oneself +adj

  find oneself +doing sth

  +给予他们时间成长 Of course, we can not grow to be (a confident person) overnight if we were not, therefore, we should allow ourselves to take baby steps to learn it.

  3 voluntary work

  It is highly recommended that people should participate in voluntary work. During the process, you would get your mind purified, moral consciousness boosted, and social responsibilities strengthened. You would like to join hands with your peers or colleagues to proceed with your task.

  get sth done


  I am determined to say that effort and devotion from all hands would promise a prosperous and harmonious society.

  I am sure that effort and devotion from all walks of life would ensure that our society make a rapid strides in near future.