
问法1How old are you? What#39s your age?示例How old are you? I am twelve years old你几岁我十二岁2Would you mind to tell me your age示例Would you mind to tell me;还可以用ageHow old are y...

问法1How old are you? What#39s your age?示例How old are you? I am twelve years old你几岁我十二岁2Would you mind to tell me your age示例Would you mind to tell me;还可以用ageHow old are you=What‘s your age你多大了相关链接for one’s age论年龄be of age成年。

3Do you mind if my asking how old you are介意我问一下你多大了吗4Which year were you born你是哪年出生的在日常生活中,外国人一般不会问别人年龄,直接问别人年龄是不太礼貌的;4 Asking About Age问年龄 提高篇 保老师的话 In western countries, it is not polite to ask a lady her age and they don’t have this habit When you guess the age of an older lady, try to guess it yo。

3 What is your animal sign?你的属相是什么问别人年龄常说的是How old are you,但是对外国人,尤其是对女性来说,年龄是不太好谈的话题直接问别人How old are you是不太礼貌的如果听到外国朋友说how old;问别人的年龄,可用以下三种问法 How old are you What is your age May I know your age 扩展资料 分别意为你多大了你的年龄是多少能告诉我你的年龄吗重点词汇解释1old adj 陈旧的。


英语问别人年龄的问法有以下几种How old are youWhich year were you bomCan you tell me your argeDo you mind if my asking how old you are其中How old are you是最常用的,但略显突兀,不礼貌,尤其是。

1 用what来引导的疑问句 这种方式最为简单易懂,也是最常见的问年龄的方式在英语中,年龄的表达方式是用years old来连接的具体如下What is your age?你多大了What#39s your age, please?请问你的年龄是。

How old 作为疑问词可表示为“多大”egHow old are you?你多大了?而What则可理解为“多少什么”What is your old?就可以表示“你的年龄是多少”但是在国外这是很隐私的问题,一般轻易不要问。

Can you tell me how old you are now?告诉我你今年几岁了满意请采纳,谢谢。

n 年龄 时代 老年 年龄段vt 使 长大 使显老 使变老 使苍老vi 化学 老化 陈化,熟化 吸毒者随年龄增长而主动 戒毒,戒除毒品例句She has a nephew who is just ten yea。


分别意为你多大了你的年龄是多少能告诉我你的年龄吗重点词汇解释1old adj 陈旧的,古老的年老的 n 古时 2age n 年龄时代寿命,使用年限阶段 vi 成熟变老 vt 使成熟使变老,使上。

1How old are you英语会话中最基本的句型之一,用于询问他人的年龄2Would you mind telling me your age你介意告诉我你的年龄吗3Which year were you born你是哪一年出生的回答的时候可以说“I was。

除了常见的 quotHow old are you?quot 之外,还有一些其他的问法可以用来询问别人的年龄,例如What#39s your age?你多大了Can I ask how old you are?我可以问问你的年龄吗May I know how old you are。

2数词+years old或years of age 这个也是用来表达一个人的具体年龄例如,“Lily is eighteen years old”或者“Lily is eighteen years of age”,意思是“Lily今年18岁”3数词+yearold 这种方式用作定语,可以。

用英语问别人多大了的英文表达how old are youwhat is your age 一how old are you 英 hau #601uld ɑju美 ha#650old erju你多大年纪 1How Old Are You In 2001?2001年你有几岁2。