
我的卧室英语作文 篇1 I have a small bedroom, its on the third floor in my house There is a small bed, a nice wardrobe and a small table in my room The bed is on the left side of...

我的卧室英语作文 篇1 I have a small bedroom, its on the third floor in my house There is a small bed, a nice wardrobe and a small table in my room The bed is on the left side of the table The wardrobe。

作文一我的卧室英语作文400字 我的卧室英语作文 我有一间虽然不大但很舒适整洁的卧室 卧室里有一张小床, 一个书桌, 一 把椅子和一个小书架 书架靠近窗户, 上面放的是我最爱看的书和一些古典音乐 光盘 西面的墙上挂。

我的卧室,英语作文怎么写My name is Fuyeor and I have a very cute bedroom, let#39s come in and have a look!My bedroom door faces north As soon as you enter the door, the most conspicuous are the。

i have a study table and a computer in my room I spend most of my time in my bedroom while i am at home大约意思在我家里,我最喜欢的地方就是我的房间我的房间是浅蓝色的当爸妈装修房子时,他们。