
lag,意思就是延迟你可以说i was lagged;具体如下学习英语新词汇“ka le”,意思是“卡了,网络出现了延迟与卡顿”来源于汉语里的“卡了”原本是游戏玩家经常用的词汇,被外国玩家看到以后,也学会了这个词汇当初的Dota2的比赛中时常会出现卡顿掉帧。 Be Cautious to the Information on the ...

lag,意思就是延迟你可以说i was lagged;具体如下学习英语新词汇“ka le”,意思是“卡了,网络出现了延迟与卡顿”来源于汉语里的“卡了”原本是游戏玩家经常用的词汇,被外国玩家看到以后,也学会了这个词汇当初的Dota2的比赛中时常会出现卡顿掉帧。

Be Cautious to the Information on the Internet 小心网络信息 Recently, Internet is more and more popular among people meanwhile people are increasingly cheated by the information on itSo, can we trust the;现在,我的很多同学都喜欢在闲暇的时间里上网,我认为网络既给我们带来了好处,又有不好的地方例如,如果我在学习上又困难,我就能上网搜索一些有帮助 并且我还能够在网上交到更多的朋友我有一些同学说,当他们。


1、use of the advantages and make less use of the disadvantages, so as to make our home more beautiful总之,网络的好与坏是看你怎么把握的,我们要多利用好处,少利用坏处,这样才会让我们的家园变的更加美丽。

2、问题一网络不好,网速慢,用英文怎么表达 The internet is slow问题二我网络不好英文怎么说 My net isn#39t avilible 问题三学校的校园网网络很不稳定,用英文怎么说 Our CAN campus area network is h。

3、 网络的好处与坏处初二英语作文篇1 In recent years, the Internet has been gaining its popularity at an amazing rate Some people suggest that the Internet brings us a lot of benefits But on the other。

4、现在,我的很多同学都喜欢在闲暇的时间里上网,我认为网络既给我们带来了好处,又有不好的地方For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information And I。

5、我网络不好的英文My network is bad重点词汇 网络 network electric network meshwork system 例句My network is bad Can you come and fix it? Then I#39ll thank you very much我网络不好,你能过来。


1、简而言之,不可否认互联网有其自身的缺点,但我认为它的优点远远大于它的缺点,即我们可以很好地利用那些好东西,但避免那些坏的 篇三网络的利弊英语作文 Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time。

2、网络成灾相信不是大家想要看到的,这次带来的 英语 作文 讲的就是这个问题下面是我给大家整理了沉迷于网络的危害 英语写作 范文 ,供大家参阅!沉迷于网络的危害英语作文1 The following aspects could best。


4、问题七网络很慢,英文怎样翻译 The network is slow or the network is delayed 望采纳 谢谢 问题八网络 卡 英语 There are a lot梗of delays in the network我ICT MASTER DEGREE 这个不用怀疑问题九。

5、网络的好处和坏处高中英语作文篇1 Internet plays a very important role in everybody#39s life, It has made a huge difference in the world, But the Internet has some advantages and disadvantagesFirst of all。

6、网络有好处也有坏处用英语表达为“Network has its advantages and disadvantage“整句话中主语是网络,翻译成对应的英语就是Network,谓语是有,宾语就是好处与坏处,所以整句话只要直译过来就行了1I had fine sport。