
the International Labor Day五一国际劳动节词组,英文里没有你那样的词。 The Golden Week 黄金周, in the People#39s Republic of China, is the name given to a semiannual 7day national holiday, impl...

the International Labor Day五一国际劳动节词组,英文里没有你那样的词。

The Golden Week 黄金周, in the People#39s Republic of China, is the name given to a semiannual 7day national holiday, implemented in 20001The quotChinese Lunar New Year Golden Weekquot Chinese New。

Holiday1a period when you are not at work of in school 假期,你不在工作或学校 2a period when you are traveling or resting 度假期,休息的时间在美国英语里,vacation 和第二个意思相同但基本没什么区别 time。

“黄金周”用英语翻译是quotGolden week。

Golden Week Golden week means long vacation I’m in favor of the existing of golden week Every year, I’m looking forward to its coming During the golden week, I can have a good rest at home or。

During the May Day holiday 问题二五一假期快乐 用英语怎么说 五一假期快乐 51 vacations are joyful 在线翻译transgodictindexphp fanyiyahootran胆late_txt 问题三五一黄金周用英语怎么说啊?求教。

翻译为the Golded Week of “1st, Otc”或者是the Golded Week of the National Day holiday。