
It#39s not easy to keep in touch with friends from afar For me, that#39s what happened本句问陈述句中的肯定句keep in touch with是保持联系固定短语一easy 1含义adj 容易得轻松得不费力的。 ...

It#39s not easy to keep in touch with friends from afar For me, that#39s what happened本句问陈述句中的肯定句keep in touch with是保持联系固定短语一easy 1含义adj 容易得轻松得不费力的。

Yes,that was itYes,it was so。

有点远了that is ,just like this 就是这样的,不过这句有点啰嗦 把 that is 换成 it#39s 还好些it is all right 就不对了 是 没关系 没大碍 不妨碍的意思just so 也不对的 是 正是如此 的意思 本人提供的。

有80字了吧?What sort i am I am a vivacious girl,love beastie as well,and also fond of reading caricaturei am outgoing,but ironhearted that would never care about others#39 feeling,speak Whatever i wanna。