
看用什么送啊,如果汽车,就是drive my kid to school, 如果是走路送他,就是walk with my kid to the school,总体来说就是take my kid to the school 就可以了。 Many students go to school by bus, some students dr...

看用什么送啊,如果汽车,就是drive my kid to school, 如果是走路送他,就是walk with my kid to the school,总体来说就是take my kid to the school 就可以了。

Many students go to school by bus, some students drive to school by the parent, little to ride a bike or walk to school。

what a wonderful day, it is a perfect day to take my son to school first of all, it is hard for me to choose baoma or benchi as car to take my son , there is no denying that i have。

In recent years, it#39s no strange that parents drive to deliver their kids and pick up them from school Opinions about that vary from person to person Some people think it can ensure the safety of。

送孩子上学take your child to school 1take的中文意思拿,取,采取,接受 英te#618k美tek2your的中文意思你的,你们的 英j#596r美j#650#601r j#650r3child的。