
we only have one Earth,4,we share only one earth!,2,教科书上有现成的句子,2,only one Earth,2,we have only one Earth,1,there is only one Earth for us 这样比较有“震慑力”,0,we have only one;...

we only have one Earth,4,we share only one earth!,2,教科书上有现成的句子,2,only one Earth,2,we have only one Earth,1,there is only one Earth for us 这样比较有“震慑力”,0,we have only one;您的问题很简单呵呵百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题原句我们只有一个地球,所以你要爱护地球地球上只有一个我,所以你也要爱护我 翻译We have only one earth, so you have to take care of the。

Everybody knows that we have only one earth and we share it with different kinds of animals and plants每个人都知道我们只有一个地球,并且我们和不同的动物和植物在一起分享它With the development of the;Only One Earth 我们只有一个地球We have only one earth But now,the environment becomes worse and worse我们只有一个地球但如今,环境正变得越来越糟糕As you know,there#39s no enough clean water for。

我们应尽我们最在的努力保护我们的环境和污染作斗争In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret就这样吧,我们只有一个地球,我们应该尽我们最大的努力去保护它;we should do everything we can to protect the environment to make our homeland a better place ,cuase we have only one earth `。


我们只有一个地球 We have only one earth!不要让地球流泪 Don#39t make it sob!地球是我家,绿化靠大家 Earth is my home,green by you all!绿色是地球本色 Green is the inherent color of earth。

firstly, donnot threw garbages at the places Because it will pollute the environment Secondly, donnot let the polluted water get into the river Because it will kill fishes我们只有一个地球请节约她!如今。

There is only one earth, please love and protect it猫迷英语专家团提供RealAmericanEnglish。

Students, resources are limited, we have only one earth, let us cherish the valuable resources 同学们,资源是有限的,我们只有一个地球,让我们一起珍惜宝贵的资源吧。

We have only one earth, don#39t let it tear。

buildings will become very high tall指的是人的身高,此处不用tallthe population is getting larger but,we have only one earth。

我们只有一个地球 我们只有一个地球,但是现在,地球的环境变的越来越差据我们所知,地球上没有足够多的洁净的水来维持人类生活许多的人们因为水而失去了他们的生命在很多国家,人们不得不以砍树生存导致没有树木来。



for our younger generation地球是我们的母亲,没有她就没有生命她给我们提供了水,食物,阳光和矿物质等我们只能生活在地球上,可以说再没有哪个星球我们人类能居住了,但地球只有一个,说以我们要好好保护她我们的。

直译We have only one earth可以,但感情色彩不够重可以倒装句,或用强调句倒装句Only one earth we have强调句It is only one earth that we have。

it will be more beautiful tomorrow翻译我们只有一个地球但是现在,环境变得越来越坏正如你所知道的,没有足够的干净的水有这么多人失去了他们的生命,因为水在很多国家,人们不得不砍树为生所以没什么可防止水分。

6To protect the earth is to protect ourselves保护地球就是保护我们自己7Everyone should remember that we have olny one earth每个人都应该谨记,我们只有一个地球8Not a clean environment, then the living。